Helping People, Pets and The Planet Flourish with Eco-Friendly Coconut-Based Solutions for Homes and Gardens.

Our Cocogrow, Cocoburn, and Cocopet products take coconut husks (also known as coir) that would normally be wasted and creates cost effective, organic, low carbon, chemical and additive free solutions for gardening, heating, and pet care. Every purchase reduces waste, is healthier for people and pets as well as being planet friendly.

For a better tomorrow use Coco Flourish products today.

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The CocoFlourish Range

Discover CocoGrow

An organic, eco-friendly alternative to peat moss. Our coconut husk medium is perfect for hydroponics, seedling growth, and potting mixes. Embrace sustainable cultivation with Cocogrow, naturally low in salt and fully biodegradable.

Discover Cocogrow

Discover CocoBurn

Ignite responsibly, with Cocoburn's coconut charcoal. This organic eco-friendly Firestarter is crafted from renewable coconut husks. Ideal for grills and fireplaces, Cocoburn lets you enjoy a warm flame, the sustainable way.

Discover Cocoburn

Discover CocoPet

A greener option in pet care. Our organic, low-salt litter is made from renewable coconut husks, offering an hypoallergenic, eco-friendly and biodegradable solution to your furry friend's needs, Cocopet - soft on paws, and claws.

Discover CocoPet
Our Mission


The Cocoflourish group is dedicated towards sustainable and environmentally friendly products that are kind to people pets and the planet. We create products that use coconut fibres to mirror the functions of more traditional methods resulting in natural, chemical and additive free solutions that really work.

Our products are low carbon, reduce waste and are plentiful in supply. Recycling and redefining this into a product that better for you, means less landfill and a cleaner landscape.

We’re here to give people, their pets and the planet quality, eco and budget-friendly solutions without compromise.

Why Coconut Husks (Coir)?

There are many ways to help the environment, but the ones that are closest to our heart are those that reduce waste and are totally sustainable. That’s why we use organic coconut husks (coir).

Coconuts themselves are something of a super fruit in that they supply us with coconut water, coconut milk and coconut flesh as a food source, but the husks themselves can also be turned into a coconut charcoal (a clean burning renewable energy source), as well as being able to be used for garden aeration and moisture retention. Additionally, the fibre can be used for plant baskets and mats. Really, the coconut isn’t just a super fruit it's one of nature’s true miracles.

We love that this means 100% of the coconut can be used with zero waste!

Coconut trees produce fruit 4 times a year with a typical harvest of 8 coconuts on average, and depending on tree age, each crop will provide about 7-8kg of product. There’s literally an endless supply of goodness that is renewed every season.

After the coconut has been processed into the raw ingredients, we take the husk and wash it with bore water 4 times to reduce the salt content, making it a suitable medium for gardening, pets and crafting.
After this process it is dried and put through a sifter to make sure the sizes of the fibres are uniform and of a high grade before being processed into the Cocoflourish products you can use in a variety of ways.

We use husk/coir because it’s an amazingly versatile, yet often overlooked part of the coconut that is totally natural and eco-friendly.

Popular Uses

  • Improved soil structure: Cocogrow enhances soil structure by increasing aeration, drainage, and water retention, promoting healthy plant growth.
  • Sustainable alternative: Cocogrow is a renewable resource and an eco-friendly alternative to peat moss, which is often harvested from non-renewable sources.
  • Pest resistance: Cocogrow is naturally resistant to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical treatments in the garden.
  • Root development: Cocogrow promotes better root development due to its fibrous structure and air-filled pores, leading to stronger plants.
  • pH neutrality: Cocogrow has a near-neutral pH, making it suitable for a wide range of plants without causing nutrient imbalances.
Lights, Camera, Coco!

CocoFlourish Chronicles: Dive into Our World

Our Ethos

We are CocoFlourish

We have always believed in 4 things: 

Reduce Waste where possible.
Go Naturally.
Do right by people.
Be the best tenants of the planet that we can be.

Like our customers we care about the products we use, and prefer natural, chemical and additive free options that are substantiable and environmentally kind.

Like you we don’t think that good things need to cost a lot, and that sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.

That’s why CocoFlourish exists.

 We want people to know the pleasure of growing their own food and to experience the joy of picking the freshest fruit and veges and eating them straight from the garden.

We want people to be confident they’ve made a good choice, one that’s right for their budget, without having to compromise on their values, or the quality and effectiveness of the product.

And most of all we want people and their pets to live better, naturally.

That’s the EcoFlourish way.